Horticulture farming lessons

Animal husbandry tips

Poultry Tips

Duck farming guide for beginners: Everything you need to know about...

INTRODUCTION. Duck farming is part of poultry farming. However, there is a slight difference between duck farming and chicken farming, especially in the habits and...


Fish Farming / Aquaculture lessons

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General Farming/Agriculture blog

10 essential farming tools that every farmer should have

Whether you're a seasoned farmer or just starting out, having the right tools can make a world of difference in your productivity and efficiency....

Soil Degradation: What Is It And How Does Satellite Technology Help?

Soil degradation, the decrease in soil quality due to human activities, has been a significant worldwide concern throughout the 20th century and will continue...

How to grow beans: Dry / Bush Beans farming guide for beginners from planting...

Learning how to grow green beans or dry beans from seed is not hard. Just a few simple steps and you’ll be eating fresh...

FACT: Duck eggs bake the best cakes, they also make the best home-made pasta

Duck eggs are becoming more readily available, either through farm shops or bigger supermarkets. According to culinary experts, duck eggs have a richer yolk than...

Best Farming Tips: Ideas & advice for new farmers (Beginning farmers watch this)

Best Farming Tips: Ideas and advice for new farmers. This is a farming channel where I provide free farming tips and tricks to all...

Most Read Farming Tips

7 reasons why your onions are splitting and how to avoid...

Are your onion bulbs splitting? some call it doubling. The first symptom you notice when your onion doubles is the splitting of the basal plate....